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Kategorier: whole grains

Fuldkorn til morgen middag og aften

Fuld fart på fuldkorn: Hele verden kigger mod Danmark for at lære om fuldkornspartnerskaber

Danmark er vært, når Rumænien, Skotland, Ungarn, Rwanda, Libanon, Cypern og 20 andre lande fra alle verdenshjørner skal lære at igangsætte og drive nationale fuldkornspartnerskaber. Fuldkornspartnerskabet i Danmark har skabt nogle helt unikke resultater, der giver genlyd i hele verden. Et EU finansieret projekt - WholEUgrain sikrer nu, at erfaringerne fra Danmark deles med alle.

Caroline Sluyter - Program Director The Whole Grains Council

8 questions for Caroline Sluyter – Program Director for The Whole Grains Council in the US

Caroline Sluyter is Program Director for The Whole Grains Council in the United States of America. We meet Caroline and asked her 8 questions about how they have succeeded in expanding the whole grain stamp to 63 different countries around the world - and how the pandemic have affected the American consumers. Also you can get Caroline's advice on how to increase whole grains in your daily diet.